Zdraviliška 22, Laško, Slovenia



Personal data is any information that can be attributed to you as a person. This includes your name, surname, address, phone number and e-mail address


The website Penzion Park ensures all required technological and organisational solutions for complete security. Transfer of sensitive personal data on the websites is implemented in safe mode with the help of the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. Data are encrypted using a 256-bit key even before they leave your browser and are transferred to our server in protected form. The system thus prevents interception of personal and transaction data sent via contact form. Safe link can be recognised by the fact that an address shown in a browser begins with https://… and not with http://…, and a padlock sign appears on the upper left edge of the window. Our website and other systems are protected against loss, destruction, access, modification and dissemination of your data by unauthorised persons using appropriate technical and organisational measures.


We are aware that careful management of your personal data is very important to you. Because Penzion Park places special importance to data protection, legal provisions are rigidly observed while collecting, processing and using such data.

Penzion Park uses personal data and information you provide to reply to your messages.

Your data may be deleted, if not subject to the legal provisions of data storage, if you have enforced the request for deletion, if we no longer use the data to fulfil the reason for storage or if their storage is not permissible due to other legal reasons.


In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you are entitled to inquire for free about your stored data and, if required, you also have the right to correct, lock or delete such data. 

If you have any questions about data protection or if you want to inquire about your data or ask to delete it, use the following contact information:

Owner and controller of the website Penzion Park

Official name of the company: LAZEBNIK d.o.o.
Head office: Zdraviliška 22, 3270 Laško


Every individual may anytime, if they believe we have violated any rights in relation to personal data protection in any way whatsoever, lodge a complaint at the supervisory authority – Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia:

Republic of Slovenia, Information Commissioner, Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana, https://www.ip-rs.si

LAZEBNIK d.o.o. respects your privacy and complies with the legislation (Personal Data Protection Act ZVOP-1, Official Gazette of RS, no. 86/04 and GDPR), for that purpose on the website Penzion Park we carry out all activities for the protection and ethical management of your personal data.

Splošni pogoji poslovanja

Zahvaljujemo se za vašo rezervacijo in vas istočasno prosimo, da si ogledate naslednje pogoje poslovanja hotela:

  • Za garancijo vaše rezervacije, je potrebna veljavna plačilna kartica.
  • Vkolikor gost nima plačilne kartice, se kot garancija vplača polog v višini 50,00 EUR.
    Garancijski depozit za goste brez plačilne kartice se sprejema do najkasneje 7 dni pred prihodom.
  • Avansno plačilo za goste brez kreditne kartice se sprejema najkasnije v roku 2 dni od dneva vnosa rezervacije.
  • Prijava v objekt je mogoča takoj po 14:00, na dan prihoda.
  • Odjavo iz objekta je potrebno opraviti do 11:00, na dan odhoda.
  • Nepravočasno odjavo iz hotela, vam bomo dodatno zaračunali.
  • Otroke, stare od 12 in več let obravnavamo kot odrasle osebe, zato se jim zaračunava polna cena. Pri rezervaciji, ste otroke, starejše od navedenega, dolžni prišteti k odraslim osebam.
  • Celotni znesek poravnate pri recepciji, ob odhodu iz hotela
  • Vkolikor želite spremeniti ali odpovedati že obstoječo rezervacijo, lahko to storite v ‘on-line’ sistemu, v skladu s Pogoji odpovedi rezervacije.


Za vse dodatne informacije, smo vam na voljo na elektronskem naslovu: info@thermana.si.

Pridržujemo si pravico do odjave ali spremembe rezervacije, vkolikor je prišlo do zlorabe rezervacijskega sistema, ali pa je do napake prišlo zaradi malomarnosti uporabnika.

Pogoji odpovedi rezervacije

Rezervacija velja do 24:00 ure, na dan prihoda.

DVOPOSTELJNA SOBA STANDARD: Rezervacijo lahko odpoveste preko spleta najkasneje do 2 dni pred prihodom.

V primeru, da se gost v hotelu ne pojavi, se zaračunava 1 nočitev na osebo za rezervirani tipu nastanitve.

  • V primeru odpovedi rezervacije 2-0 dni pred prihodom, se zaračunava 1 nočitev na osebo v rezerviranem tipu nastanitve.
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